3 Must-Haves

You might have discovered us through ‘Travel TikTok,’ ‘Instagram Explore,’ or our founder and CEO @SarahLThompson. Regardless of how you found us, we are thrilled that you came across Luxama Travel! We are a luxury vacation agency specializing in creating tailored, high-touch vacations for our clients along the Amalfi Coast, Italy, and other European destinations.

Make sure you bring a pack of tissues.

Number one, make sure you bring a pack of tissues! Trust us when we say these little packs will save you. You can clean noses, you can clean tables...you can pretty much clean anything!

And, also, you can do your business with them! Cause Italian restrooms are notorious for running out of toilet paper...

Make sure you download WhatsApp.

Number two, make sure you download WhatsApp! For those of you who don’t know WhatsApp, it’s a messaging app that pretty much every single Italian uses, and almost every single Italian business.

So, if you need to get a hold of anyone, download that app!

Make sure you bring a coin purse.

Number three, make sure you bring a coin purse! In Italy they will give you many, many, many coins in change. While, most people leave change in tip jars in the United States, in Italy many of the coins they will give you back can total up to €5!

So, make sure you keep those coins, and save yourself the headache of digging for them at the bottom of your bag!

We hope you found these three must-haves helpful, and the next time you find yourself in Italy, you have an amazing trip!

If you are still really stressed on planning your next trip to Italy, feel free to reach out to Luxama, we’d be more than happy to help organize your entire trip! But if you just want a second opinion on your itinerary that you already put together, we’d be more than happy to do a consultation with you as well. You can reach out to us today through Luxama Travel!

Ciao for now!


Luxama x Travellustre


Tipping in Italy