So… Why Luxama?

& Who am I?

I’m someone who fell in love with not only a person, but a place. 

In 2014, I studied abroad with my university in Rome, and after an amazing semester living in a foreign yet familiar country, I decided to stay for the summer to work at a local bar in Sorrento, Italy.

That probably was the best decision I have ever made and I didn’t even know it.

This is where I met my now husband and had the summer that would put most hollywood movies to shame.
After a hard-working and fun-loving summer, I returned to the US, finished my degree, and moved straight back to the Amalfi Coast.

I knew that I could never settle for a place less spectacular than here.

There really is a heaven on earth, and I was living in it. 

After nearly seven years abroad, I have learned the language and befriended some of the best people, and started my own loving family.

I have also seen changes throughout these years with new and exciting things popping up in every corner. And yet, the coast still has it’s impeccable remarkable charm. 

There have been countless times I have come across tourists looking for help and I have offered my advice and suggestions. In those moments, I can see it in their faces just how thankful they are that they ran into me. 

And I can’t tell you how many times they’ve said: “Man, I wish I knew you before I booked my trip!”

That’s what makes Luxama Travel so special. 

Over the years I have collaborated with various local businesses and services- marking out my personal favorites that I know are 100% worth every penny.

And since I am located here, I see the changes made and I spy the new and hidden gems that most travel agencies can’t spot because they haven’t lived here.

I don’t want you to have your vacation, I want you to experience it  like never before, and If I have convinced you to relocate to the Amalfi Coast by the end of your trip, then I’ve succeeded. 


Sarahs TOP TEN Restaurants in Sorrento