How to sound like a local in italy

You may have found us from ‘Travel TikTok’, ‘Instagram Explore’, or our founder and CEO @SarahLThompson, but either way, we are glad you have stumbled across Luxama Travel! We are a luxury vacation agency that curates bespoke high-touch vacations for our clients along the Amalfi Coast, Italy, and branching out to other European destinations!

1: Aro stai?

The literal translation of “Aro star” is “I love you”. But locals know it actually means “Where are you?” It’s similar slang to saying “where you at?” in English.

2: Ti post?

Literally this is an abbreviated way to say, “Is everything in its place?” But if you hear this along The Amalfi Coast, this saying is equivalent to “You good?”

3: Aro sta o’cess

Literally this translates to, “Where is the bathroom?” Definitely an important phrase to memorize, because well, if you have to go, you have to go!

4: Quant’ Cost?

People might say this isn’t real Italian, but Southerners know this is really how you say, “How much is it cost?”

5: Pozz ave nu bicchier e vin?

This phrase for sure is your best option if you want a glass of wine ASAP! “Pozz ave nu bicchier e vin translates to, “Can I have a glass of wine?”

6: Che e’ Chest?

Picture this, you’re in a restaurant and you pass a table with food that looks deliziosa. A great way to ask the waiter what they are having (and sound like a local) is to say “Che e’ Chest?” or, “What is it?”

7: Com s’ chiamm?

Say you make a new friend in the local piazza, you might want to ask what there name is. A great way to say this like a local is, “Com s’ chiamm?”

8: Mo? Mo mo?

Have you ever been asked to do something right at that moment? In Italy, a response to this could be “Mo? Mo mo?”, or in English,“Now? Like right now?”

9: Ma che ne sacc!

If you are being pestered by someone and they keep asking the question over and over again, you don’t know the answer to, say “Ma she ne sack!”, “I don’t know!”

10: Wanama!

Picture this, you just get off the train and find a clearing: beautiful blue skies and crystal clear water, the sun beating down and lemons surronding you! An expression you might want to use is, “Wanama!” or “Wow!”

We hope you found these slang tips helpful, and enjoy The Amalfi Coast!

Ciao for now,




Sarahs TOP TEN Restaurants in Sorrento